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The Windsor Chronicle

The Windsor Chronicle

Students play poker during homecoming

Homecoming Week: Students feel the beat, play games at the dance

Sophia Jensen October 23, 2024

Homecoming has been a tradition of schools everywhere for years and even though the customs have changed, Windsor High still celebrates the 19th century event. This year’s homecoming dance took place...

FCCLA float goes down the road

Homecoming Week: FCCLA builds flamingo-themed float for parade

Oliver Bilotte, Reporter October 23, 2024

On Thursday, Oct. 17, people lined the street to watch the homecoming parade. Participants marched down the street, rode on floats and gave out candy. The theme for homecoming this year was Las Vegas;...

co-executive president of Student Council leads homecoming assembly

Homecoming Week: Student Council prepares for homecoming events

Alyssa Smith, Reporter October 23, 2024

Homecoming week started on Monday, Oct. 14, and Student Council prepared for it many weeks in advance to any of the events. Student Council chose "Vegas" as the theme, which everything was based on...

Students jump to hit the volleyball over the net during peach fuzz

Homecoming Week: Student Council hosts annual Peach Fuzz game, senior team wins

Michala Taylor, Reporter October 21, 2024

On Oct. 16, the Student Council hosted its Peach Fuzz game. Peach Fuzz is a homecoming tradition at WHS where boys play volleyball on self-made teams and girls are their coaches. The senior boys team...

student crowned as homecoming queen during the football game

Homecoming Week: Student Council makes drastic change to royalty voting system, winners announced

Shyre Hodson, Reporter October 21, 2024

With homecoming week in full swing, it’s time to address the reformation of the homecoming court voting. In the past, the selection of royalty was completely in the hands of the students. With two rounds...

Junior coahces and players give three claps to the opposing seniors for a well fought game. The juniors defeated the seniors with two points to spare.

Homecoming Week: Class of 2026 takes the championship in back-to-back years

Tristyn Bruning, Editor October 16, 2024

It’s homecoming week in Windsor and the activities were kicked off Monday night with electric powder puff football. Powder puff is an annual event run by the Student Council during homecoming week...

Students and parents peruse dress racks during the "Shop Til You Drop" event at the school on Friday, Sept. 6. Students could try on dresses and pick one to take home for homecoming.

Student Council holds Homecoming dress swap, reduces waste

Oliver Bilotte, Reporter September 9, 2024

On Friday, Sept. 6, members of the Windsor High School Student Council held a dress-swapping event called “Shop Til You Drop” for homecoming. Students could come and shop free dresses for homecoming,...

Walter the Wizard holds his staff at the homecoming football game. He just received the staff, made by the robotics team and art club, earlier that day during the homecoming assembly.

Robotics team and art club team up to create a staff for Windsor’s mascot

Leah Bacon, Reporter December 11, 2023

The art club and robotics team paired up to present Walter the Wizard, WHS’s mascot, with a high-tech staff to complete his Wizard look. After all, a wizard's staff is a symbol of power and authority....

Students dance in the courtyard during homecoming. The theme of this year's homecoming was “Hollywood.”

Homecoming Week: Students dance the night away at homecoming

Sophia Jensen, Reporter October 10, 2023

Students celebrated the end of homecoming week with loud music and flashing lights in the courtyard of Windsor High on Saturday, Sept. 30.  “I think it’s a lot of fun,” junior class president...

Windsor FFA walks together during the homecoming parade. FFA members had a float theme of “Western Goes Hollywood.”

Homecoming Week: Students create floats, walk in parade

Vivian Kilcoyne, Reporter October 9, 2023

Squeezed between the pep assembly and the football game, Windsor students got together for the homecoming parade. The homecoming parade was Friday, Sept. 29. This event allowed students in various clubs...

Head coach Chris Jones (staff) walks onto the field holding hands with two student-athletes after halftime. After a close first quarter, the Wizards dominated Greeley Central for the rest of the homecoming game.

Homecoming Week: Football players secure a victory against Greeley Central

Molleigh Kennedy, Reporter October 3, 2023

As the day turns into night, laces are tied, jerseys are on, helmets are placed… it’s game time. WHS football players step onto the lit-up field to compete against Greeley Central for their homecoming...

Senior students cheer as they watch the pep assembly. The assembly excited students going into homecoming weekend.

Homecoming Week: Friday pep assembly excites students for homecoming weekend

Caleb Morrow, Reporter October 3, 2023

Before the dance and the football game, students and staff gathered in the gym to get excited for the weekend. The assembly was led by Student Council and consisted of games, performances and lots...

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