Squeezed between the pep assembly and the football game, Windsor students got together for the homecoming parade.
The homecoming parade was Friday, Sept. 29. This event allowed students in various clubs and groups to get together to create a float and build community. The floats left from the high school, went down 11th street, circled through new Windsor and back up 11th street and then went back into the parking lot.
“I felt it was very important to get various clubs throughout the school involved in the parade so the community can see what a great school we have and all the culture here. I was really excited to get the art club and the theater club and FFA and all of the different clubs out there because sometimes I feel like the spotlight is on sports — which is great — but I love highlighting all the other great things happening too that are behind the scene,” Amanda Kendrot (staff) said. Kendrot is one of the co-advisers of Student Council and helped plan the parade.
People came out and lined the streets to watch the parade and the different opportunities Windsor High School offers. During the parade, students walked with their floats and showed off what their club offers. Many clubs passed out candy to families watching the parade.
“I am looking forward to walking and handing out candy to the kids. Last year was really fun. Their faces just glow up when they see the candy,” Sonia Miller (10) said. Miller walked with Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
One of the biggest tasks, of course, was creating a float and finding the best ways to show off all that a club has to offer. Many floats this year also showcased the homecoming theme: Hollywood.

“The floats have been going really well. We have been meeting up for three nights, and we are bonding and decorating the floats together and painting with the decorations like Hollywood themes. It’s been pretty fun,” Miller said.
The parade kicked off with Officer Smith in her police car escorting the Windsor fire trucks and the rest of the clubs following. The Windsor cheerleaders were the first to appear, catching a ride on top of the fire truck. Following behind were the class floats, Windsor track and field and art club. Other floats and clubs included the color guard and band, who played the WHS victory song, and the Poms team.

Lexi Wood (10) was excited to see kids because “I know that parades make them happy.” Wood is a dancer for the Poms team.
The Future Farmers of America (FFA) float’s theme was “Western Goes Hollywood.” Members walked with the float and rode stick horses to show off their cowboy theme and their organization.
“We made it today at lunch and we are almost done,” Kylie Becker (10) said on the day of the parade. Becker walked with FFA.
The homecoming parade has been a tradition at Windsor High School for the past 20 years, according to Student Council Adviser Michael Thompson (staff). The parade day is an opportunity for clubs and groups to come in front of the public and share what their club means to them.
“It’s a good way to be out in front of the public. It’s a good way to show off what they are doing or even just reminding people their organization was a part of Windsor High School. It’s also a good way for these clubs to get out in the community,” Thompson said.