Aqua Wizards push for a chance at winning state

Jacob Wygal (10, Severance) swims butterfly during the March 23 meet against Broomfield. The aqua wizards are working hard this season to push for a chance at winning state. (Leah Bacon)

Aiden Adler, Reporter

The Windsor men’s swim and dive team kicked the season off to an amazing start with wins against Poudre, Liberty Commons, Estes Park, Longmont, Rocky Mountain and Brighton.

“We’re off to a pretty electric start. We’ve beat several 5A teams and one of our seniors this year has broken a pool record. So we’re off to a pretty good start, and I think it will only get better from there,” team captain Jake Eccleston (11) said.

The Silver Creek Raptors defeated the Windsor Wizards 948-759 at the Northern Conference Championships last year. At the state competition, the Wizards placed fifth, scoring 204 points.

The aqua wizards perform the team chant after warm-ups and before the Silver Creek meet on April 6. Team spirit is a large part of why the team thinks it has a chance at state this year. (Sawyer Frisch)

A”After looking at the rosters and the swim times of competing high schools, I would say we have a super good chance (at winning state). Your main problem will be Air Academy and Silver Creek. Air Academy annihilated some of the top competitors last year, but everyone else it should be decently easy as long as we don’t have many swimmers out,” team manager Taylor Eskew (12) said.

Currently, the Wizards have 10 swimmers and two divers qualified for state. This is the largest state team the Wizards have ever had.

“This season has been amazing for the boys. I’m so proud of every single one person on the team this year,” diving coach Courtney Hawker said.

Talks are going around that the state-qualified divers are planning to wear leopard print speedos that are maroon and gold themed at the state competition in May.