Before he began teaching, Michael Vasa (staff) spent years in the broadcasting industry. Now as the video production teacher at Windsor High School, he carries over his passion and experience in broadcasting to provide students with special opportunities they wouldn’t get at most schools.
When Vasa graduated high school, he was unsure about what career he wanted to pursue, but he did know one thing: that he had a passion for sports. Vasa’s mom asked him what he would want to do every day if he did not get paid for it, and Vasa’s response was “I would want someone to pay me to watch sports.”
After he realized that he probably would not get paid to watch sports, Vasa’s mom recommended he help people watch sports instead, through sports broadcasting. So that is what Vasa did, working at channel 8 in Greeley.
That channel ended up getting closed, but Vasa did gain lots of experience doing everything broadcast related. After becoming a history teacher for a small amount of time, Vasa ended up taking the video production teacher job at WHS. Before Vasa arrived, the video production program at the school did not provide students with many opportunities. Now, thanks to Vasa, the video production program has grown exponentially and provides students with opportunities they would not have otherwise had.

The video program now includes three levels of video production, produces a weekly news show and has its own sports broadcasting network. The Windsor Wizards Broadcast Network (WWBN) covers every main sports home game live and has been run by Vasa since 2020. The WWBN has improved substantially over the past three years, and it is at a level Vasa describes as “pretty close” to ESPN broadcasts. What keeps Vasa motivated to continue improving the program? “The students motivate me to keep going, so I continue to push forward.”
Vasa gives students opportunities to learn skills and passions that they may not have known they had if it was not for the opportunity that he provides students. This not only is motivating to Vasa to continue to provide these opportunities, but he also describes it as “rewarding” to be able to help students. Carter Preece (12) has been a member of the WWBN for the last three years, and has a close relationship with Vasa. “(Vasa) helped get a career path set for me and is just a really kind person who helps you out on your problems,” Preece said.

Preece is just one of many students that Vasa has helped in similar ways. Preece also described that having his family be able to hear him announce sports and follow his passion is something he is thankful for.
Department member Dean Brockway (staff) is close with Vasa and described the passion he has for sports. “Sharing an office, and how much passion we both have for sports, we talk sports ALL the time,” Brockway said. Brockway also went on to say that he views Vasa as a close friend — more than a work friend.
Vasa is continuing to use his passion for sports to improve the WWBN and educate its students, as well as to provide coverage for the people watching these games. For the rare times that Vasa is not spending time on sports and the WWBN, he enjoys keeping beehives in his backyard, spending time with his wife, walking his dogs and watching sports. Vasa looks forward to a bright future for the WHS video production program and continuing to provide these special opportunities to students.