Before the start of the 2023-24 school year, Michael Thompson (staff) took over the adviser position for Windsor High School’s Student Council, which has changed many of the Student Council dynamics since.
“Where I came into this process was there was a general call for who was interested in taking this position or being a part of this position or just being involved in the advising part of Student Council leadership, and I quickly threw my hat into the ring,” Thompson shared.
Thompson is an involved teacher: he teaches social studies, is the Knowledge Bowl head coach, an assistant football coach and now the Student Council adviser.
Change can be hard to adjust to. “Whenever there’s a change in administration, you want to give respect to those who had it previously and you don’t want to change everything overnight. You also are limited by your own perception,” Thompson said.
New changes can also bring new ideas. Julia Bohlinger (12) is the executive co-president of Student Council. Bohlinger joined after her freshman year to have a voice at her school and to create a better school culture.
“We are trying lots of new things and we are also trying to include lots of different clubs and activities and not just being closed off. We are trying to make sure that we are including the whole school, not just select groups,” Bohlinger said.
Student Council is working to do more: more student involvement, more activities and more club involvement. With more events happening, that means more planning and involvement from members of Student Council.
Johnnie Reed, the other executive co-president of Student Council, shared, “I think the level of accountability is higher. I think that we have more involvement from people within Student Council and everyone doing their part and not just a couple of people.”
So far this year, Student Council has tackled many projects. Its leaders have assisted seniors in painting parking spots, ran a pep assembly, held the first pre-football game tailgate, decorated student sections, improved general session meetings, planned senior sunrise and created and continued to grow a new Instagram page and have had increased student involvement.

“The success of student council right now and any sort of new energy that’s being felt is the students, and so I’m really looking forward to where the students take it next,” Thompson shared.
Next up for Student Council: Homecoming. We will update this with links to our homecoming coverage.